
Last updated: Jan 25th, 2016
For a quick start guide go to the quick start page
For more detailed examples go to the examples page

Users manual

Most of the code is documented in considerable detail in the users manual

Download Users Manual


Eventually it would be nice to display the doxygen dynamically on this page however for now it has been compiled and can be found here

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Code Structure

The code structure can be a little bit confusing but it does have a logic behind it.

  • The top level directory gammacombo contains all the public parts of the code
  • The bulk of the framework (written in C++) lives in a subdirectory called core
  • For each measurement / combination you want to perform you should create a subdirectory within the top level gammacombo
  • An example is already provided called tutorial
  • Several measurements / combinations are performed by this code but they are held privately
  • If you are a member of the LHCb collaboration you can access them at the CERN GitLab group gammacombo
  • Rather confusingly one of them is also called gammacombo - this performs the LHCb, HFlav and PDG combinations of CKM angle γ

Making your own combiner

In order to make your own combiner you will need to create your own subdirectory (following the strucutre above) and then inside this:

  • Create the subdirectories include src main
  • Create a CMakeLists.txt to instruct the compiler (copy the example from tutorial)
  • Your parameters should be defined in a class which inherits from ParametersAbs - the header should go in the include directory and the implementation in the src directory
  • The class(es) defining your PDFs should inherit from PDF_Abs - with the header and implementation in include and src respecitively
  • The executable which you will eventually run should be put in the main directory
  • You can have your own ROOT or RooFit classes which requires a slight modification to the CMakeLists.txt file (just edit / uncomment the relevant lines given in the tutorial)
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