
Last updated: Jan 25th, 2016
For a quick start guide go to the quick start page
For more detailed examples go to the examples page
For a list of publications see publications page

This page details how to reproduce some of the standard results which use the GammaCombo framework

Instructions for users


The following dependencies are required

  • cmake - available here
  • ROOT (min v5.34.23) - available here - ROOT5 and ROOT6 are both compatible - needs to be compiled with RooFit
  • RooFit (min v3.60) - see above
  • Boost (min 1.57.0) - available here
  • Doxygen - this is OPTIONAL but will build documentation for you - available here

Getting the core of the package

The core of the package is stored publically on github under the gammacombo organisation

Please do not push any changes here but rather push them to your own fork and make a pull request

An example subpackage is provided with the core called tutorial. To try running it use the quick start guide

In order to access one of the subpackages see the section below

Quick Start Instructions

Getting a subpackage

Each subpackage is held privately on the CERN GitLab server under the gammacombo group

In order to access these packages you will be required to:

  • get a CERN computing account
  • get access as a developer of the relevant subpackage (do this by contacting us)
Get the core
git clone git@github.com:gammacombo/gammacombo.git
cd gammacombo
git checkout development
Get the subpackage you want (in this example it's the Vub_Vcb subpackage)
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/gammacombo/Vub_Vcb.git
Edit the compiler configuration
vim cmake/combiners.cmake  # make sure the Vub_Vcb subpackage is uncommented
Compile the code
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8 install
cd ..              # don't forget this as it will take you back up to top level
Run the code
cd Vub_Vcb         # now change into the subpackage directory (make sure you're NOT in the build directory)

Reproducing Results

The following section will give specific instructions on how to reproduce specific results.

This usually takes advantage of a shell script within each subpackage called makeplots.sh. They should take about 10-20 minutues to run on a local machine and please be aware these might not always be the most up to date versions.

Right handed currents (Vub)

Will produce this plot

Combination Tutorial
git clone git@github.com:gammacombo/gammacombo.git
cd gammacombo
git checkout development     # it may not compile without the latest developments
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/gammacombo/belle2_Vub.git
vim cmake/combiners.cmake    # make sure you have uncommented "belle2_Vub" from this file
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8 install
cd ../belle2_Vub             # this is easily forgotten and important
./makeplots.sh               # will write to plots/pdf/belle2_Vub_Xu_Pi_LbDiff_XuPiMilcLbDiff_epsR_VubL.pdf (takes about 10 mins)

CKM angle γ

Will produce this plot

Combination Tutorial
git clone git@github.com:gammacombo/gammacombo.git
cd gammacombo
git checkout development     # it may not compile without the latest developments
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/gammacombo/gammacombo.git
vim cmake/combiners.cmake    # make sure you have uncommented "gammacombo" from this file
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8 install
cd ../gammacombo             # this is easily forgotten and important
./makeplots.sh               # will write to plots/pdf/gammacombo_dsk_cfit_ckm2014robustNoDhpipi_ckm2014fullNoDhpipi_g.pdf

Charm Mixing

Will produce this plot

Combination Tutorial
git clone git@github.com:gammacombo/gammacombo.git
cd gammacombo
git checkout development     # it may not compile without the latest developments
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/gammacombo/hfag.git
vim cmake/combiners.cmake    # make sure you have uncommented "hfag" from this file
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8 install
cd ../hfag                   # this is easily forgotten and important
./makeplots.sh               # will write to plots/pdf/hfag_Apr2013CPVA_x_y.pdf

Γs vs ΔΓs

Will produce this plot

Combination Tutorial
git clone git@github.com:gammacombo/gammacombo.git
cd gammacombo
git checkout development     # it may not compile without the latest developments
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/gammacombo/biggammacombo.git
vim cmake/combiners.cmake    # make sure you have uncommented "biggammacombo" from this file
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8 install
cd ../biggammacombo          # this is easily forgotten and important
./makeplots.sh               # will write to plots/pdf/biggammacombo_CP-odd_CP-even_Flav-Spec_JpsiKK_LHCb-Comb_Gamma_s_DeltaGamma_s.pdf

Vcb vs Vub

Will produce this plot

Combination Tutorial
git clone git@github.com:gammacombo/gammacombo.git
cd gammacombo
git checkout development     # it may not compile without the latest developments
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/gammacombo/Vub_Vcb.git
vim cmake/combiners.cmake    # make sure you have uncommented "Vub_Vcb" from this file
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8 install
cd ../Vub_Vcb                # this is easily forgotten and important
./makeplots.sh               # will write to plots/pdf/VubVcb.pdf