
Last updated: Jan 25th, 2016


GammaCombo is a generic package for combining measurements and fitting datasets. A joint likelihood is built from each input given along with the observable dependence on the parameters of interest, or is provided directly by the user. Several methods are available for building 1D or 2D confidence intervals and producing limits.

The code is written in C++ and requires Boost, ROOT and RooFit. Some extensive examples are provided in the quick start guide. Please the users manual on the documentation page for detailed usage.

The core of the code is stored on github. If you require access to a specific subpackage (which are stored in a CERN gitlab group) please contact us. For more information on the subpackages available please see the the subpackages page.


Moritz was the founding father of GammaCombo. He was tragically killed in a climbing accident in April 2015. His contributions to High Energy Physics were many and varied, including analysis, statistics and hardware. He was an exceptional physicist and a great friend. He is truly missed.

His scientific legacy is summarised in a public document which can be found here.